
Empower for life!

What sets apart living from merely existing, innovation from imitation, and success stories like Netflix from fading giants like Blockbuster? The answer begins in embracing creativity, adaptability, and self-empowerment. And there’s more.

ASE mission is to guide multidisciplinary digital teams on their journey toward self-discovery and self-empowerment. By educating entrepreneurs on the unparalleled benefits of enabling such teams, we help create a world where innovation thrives.

The American Hacker Culture: A Legacy of Innovation

The American Hacker Culture, far removed from Hollywood's sensationalized portrayals, traces its humble beginnings to the 1960s across various institutions of higher learning. However, its roots extend even further back to the fundamental shift from Socrates and Plato to Aristotle and modern science, which has given rise to the world we know today. Guided by principles of the Greater Good and "Primum non nocere" (First, do no harm), our values center around fostering innovation.

We help mature companies navigate the 4th Industrial Revolution—the Digital Revolution—characterized by the fusion of physical, digital, and biological technologies. Our focus is on problem-solving and adaptation in a rapidly changing landscape. Furthermore, we support startups in embracing the 5th Industrial Revolution, which emphasizes human-centered technology and seeks a sustainable future. This revolution addresses pressing social and environmental challenges like climate change, inequality, and resource depletion by harnessing advanced technologies and advocating for a more inclusive, empathetic, and collaborative approach to problem-solving.

At our core, we believe that our methods and tools benefit all aspects of humanity. The software we create is an extension of ourselves and represents the potential for human progress.

Sustainability is Embracing Fairness and Harmony

At ASE, Inc., we believe in striking a balance between business and life, guided by the principles of fairness and harmony. As hackers, our goal isn't to amass enormous wealth; rather, we're dedicated to making a positive impact through our work, considering the consequences of our decisions, and striving for excellence in our chosen field.

We are committed to remaining useful, honest, and fair, sharing our labor of love with our clients while maintaining a practical and objective approach. By upholding these values, we not only prepare our customers to better innovate, but also help cultivate a responsible corporate culture that aligns with the ideals of the 5th Industrial Revolution and the vision of a more compassionate and sustainable future for humanity.

Company Values:

  1. Wisdom - Pursuing knowledge and understanding, enabling informed decision-making and creative problem-solving.

  2. Sharing - Promoting a culture of openness and generosity, freely exchanging ideas, knowledge, and resources.

  3. Openness - Encouraging transparency and inclusiveness, embracing diverse perspectives and fostering innovation.

  4. Collaboration - Working together effectively, leveraging the strengths of team members to achieve shared goals.

  5. Hands-On Approach - Prioritizing practical, experiential, heuristic learning and direct engagement with challenges, tasks, and outcomes.

To learn more about the Hacker Ethic and the Agile Manifesto, we encourage you to explore these topics further. Wikipedia serves as an excellent example of the embodiment of Hacker Culture.

Company Commandments:

  1. Compassion is our foundation.

  2. Never stop learning!

  3. Teaching is the ultimate form of learning.

  4. Action over talk.

  5. Do no harm: fix something without breaking anything.

  6. Give before you get.

  7. No excuses.

  8. Don't ask for permission.

  9. Failing equals growth: fail fast and learn.

  10. Have fun!

Tetiana Kuhay
Chief Executive Officer