Coaching Dream Teams

Deliver market disruption by igniting self-empowerment and unleashing success through Team Competence Coaching

Embrace the power of digital age by mastering domain discovery, software design and delivery with ES and DDD, enhanced by cutting-edge AI technologies. Empower your multidisciplinary team to excel in a dynamic market, achieving the perfect fusion of business strategy and technical innovation. Propel your organization's success to unparalleled heights, ensuring a prosperous and profitable future. Join our growing list of success stories in digital transformation, and take your business to new heights today!


Unlock your organization's potential with our tailored digital transformation guidance for tradition-oriented companies. We focus on enhancing performance, safeguarding your legacy, and driving innovation and profitability. Together, we'll secure lasting success.

As a proud American family business, your achievements become our own, fostering a shared commitment to a prosperous future.

Teaching is the highest form of understanding.

- Aristotle

Achieve a brighter future by embracing competence today.

Profitable, High-Performance Teams

  • Enable your multidisciplinary teams with coaching that drives profitable and sustained performance.

  • Establish and nurture a culture of high performance with mindset, discipline, and tools inspiring leading companies that drive durability in your organization.

  • Embrace sustainability with teams that rock the efficient mindset of tomorrow today, and take your business into deep luscious green!

Innovative Products, Competitive Edge

  • Unlock the potential of elite innovation techniques inspired by the human-centric culture of MIT, and create software products that surpass the competition in design and functionality.

  • Empower your business with data-driven decision-making early in the discovery and prototyping phase, maximizing your chances of success.

Elite Methods, Proven Success

Experience the power of applying hacker culture secrets packaged in our Special Operations inspired training model to real-world business challenges. Have your people disrupt the market with our personal leadership development methodology. Refined from the times of Greeks and utilized by technology startups, biomedical and pharmaceutical companies, investment firms, and insurance businesses. Solve the contributors’ problems and solve the business problems.

Right here we are giving you all the answers to succeed on your own!


#1 Embark on your Journey

Embrace the secret ingredient that distinguishes today's market disruptors from tomorrow's stragglers. Embark on a transformative journey for your team, led by the unparalleled expertise of genuine hackers. Experience a holistic evolution of mindset, values, culture, and operational strategy, combined with sharpened software development acumen — addressing the root causes of underperformance.

In hacker lingo, a "hack" represents the most practical solution. Let ASE Inc.'s dynamic husband-and-wife team of expert hackers personally guide your multidisciplinary team towards lasting, measurable gains and enduring success. Together, we'll iterate and refine your approach, continually boosting profits and driving growth.

Keep the momentum going as we help your team achieve ongoing gains that bolster your bottom line. Trust in the power of fast iteration, as we work alongside you to fine-tune your strategies and unlock your team's full potential for lasting impact.

hack === a most practical solution

#2 Cultivate High-Performing Teams

Mindset, Leadership, Performance: The Culture Catalyst

Unlock your team's potential with Hacker Culture, a time-tested approach that encourages discovery, innovation, agility, and adaptability through collaboration. Witness its transformative impact across diverse innovative fields, mirroring the intellectual leap from Plato to Aristotle that shaped modern civilization.

Hacker Culture's core principles of objectivity, realism, and rationality drive the Medical Maker Movement, Health Hackathons, Environmental and Sustainability Movements, Education and EdTech, Space Exploration, New Space Companies, Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Hackerspaces. This culture powers success stories like Tesla, SpaceX, LinkedIn, YouTube, Yelp, Google, Apple, Amazon, Reddit, GitHub, Dropbox, and OpenAI (ChatGPT), among others. It's also reflected in art through Objectivism, a term coined by Ayn Rand. Visionary leaders like Peter Thiel and Elon Musk of the PayPal Mafia advocate for Hacker Culture through institutions like The Atlas Society, showcasing the profound impact of this mindset on growth and innovation.


#3 Deliver, Innovate, Repeat

Ops: driven by the “Need to Ship”

From the outset of our collaborative journey, ASE Inc. coaches will instill the 'need to ship' as a core value and fundamental tenet of Hacker Culture. By emphasizing the importance of taking immediate action, your organization can overcome the common challenges of open-ended deliberation and work towards achieving incremental, tangible results. This approach also restores the true purpose and meaning of the Standup ceremony.

We explicitly emphasize the 'need to ship' as the first crucial, measurable metric. This applies to every champion-pair working diligently to deliver today's feature into production and extends to the collective team's commitment to operating as a self-empowered, autonomous, and accountable business unit.

Embrace the concepts of 'imminence' and 'inevitability'; consider them as the ever-present driving forces within your market environment, as the natural response from your team of champions, and as the essential conditions for sustained progress.


#4 Thrive Amid Market Disruption

Dev: harnessing the power of “Controlled Chaos”

Hackers' unquenchable thirst for knowledge and their ability to apply it to solve real-world business challenges are the driving forces behind the creation of valuable assets.

Our methodology recognizes that mindset, culture, leadership, operations, and mechanics are all interconnected. By addressing these developmental aspects simultaneously within your team of champions while delivering software, we not only increase the likelihood of success but also reduce the time and costs required to achieve self-sufficiency.

To ensure a successful journey, the customer's commitment throughout the process and our guidance in preparing practical learning trails are essential components that must be integrated into our collaborative efforts.


#5 Adaptively Reintegrate!

Your target state is not a static plateau but a continuous process of adaptation. The foundation of this approach is the 'tight feedback loop' that spans your entire business ecosystem, fostering end-to-end agility. The tighter your feedback loop, the greater your profit potential.

ASE Inc. coaches your self-empowered domain team to autonomously perform the first part of this process, which is referred to as 'Bound' and represents tactical dollars. This approach ensures that the team can effectively respond to changing market conditions.

The second part, ‘Optima‘, involves the ongoing collaboration between the self-empowered domain team and the executive leadership, aligning the hacker team with strategic goals. This iterative process fosters continuous improvement and a stronger competitive position.

The things we do:

  • Digital Transformation Team Coaching

  • Digital Product Prototyping

  • Hackathon Hosting

  • Programming Competition Hosting

  • Product Buildout Hosting

  • Technology Presentation

The things we don’t do:

  • No Passing Judgement: we do not execute or publish evaluations

  • No Staffing, No Recruiting:

    • no sourcing, no staffing, no recruiting

    • no staffing vendor recommendations

    • no hiring strategy recommendations

  • No Product Sales, No Product Recommendations

Successful people do what unsuccessful people are not willing to do. Don't wish it were easier; wish you were better."

— Jim Rohn